
Albert Einstein and Bhagawad Gita

Bhagwad Gita has been translated into 82 languages, at least 65 or more of these are foreign languages. There is no missionary zeal behind the publication of the Bhagavad-Gita. It has been done by the devotees out of their sheer love for the non-dogmatic philosophy and depiction.

Not many in Bharat are aware that Bhagwad Gita has played a dominant role in shaping the modern world.

The year 2005 A.D. was called the year of Physics since it marked the centenary year of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity that revolutionized the way we look at the universe today. Einstein advanced a series of theories that proposed entirely new ways of thinking about space, time, and gravitation. His theories of relativity and gravitation were a profound advance over the old Newtonian physics and revolutionized scientific and philosophical inquiry. Not many know that in many of Einstein’s work Dr Satyendranath Bose played a very key role and we have the famous “Bose– Einstein Statistics”.

Einstein is regarded by many as one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century. But it is interesting to know what according to Einstein are some of the greatest inventions or discoveries of human race. The following statements of Einstein will explain his views on the scientific discoveries of the ancient Hindus.

Ø “We owe a lot to Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made”.

Ø “When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous”.

When asked from where he drew inspiration for his scientific inventions, Einstein replied,

Ø “I have made the Bhagwad Gita as the main source of my inspiration and guide for the purpose of scientific investigations and formation of my theories”.

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