
Bio photons are rich in Sun light...

All living organisms emit a constant current of biophotons, which are elementary particles of light coming from a biological being. Pictured here are biophotons in a drop of water. These particles are emitted and direct instantaneous signals to multiple locations at once, from one part of the body to another, and to the outside world. They are stored in the DNA and their function is cellular communication. Physicists actually call these light particles the “communicators” in the body because they use your intention to direct other particles to rearrange into either a healthy or non-healthy pattern. In biology every cell in your body has over 100,000 biochemical reactions per second, all of which must be carefully timed and sequenced with each other. Research has provided evidence that this cellular dance is not random, but rather controlled by these biophotons. To further explain, science is showing us that biophotons are in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body through our thoughts, emotions, and intention, including supporting your body’s ability to heal, releasing old patterns or forming new supportive ones.

A direct intention manifests itself as an electric and magnetic energy producing an ordered change of photons. Our intentions operate as highly coherent frequencies capable of changing the molecular structure of matter.

In short, it is the biophotons that allow for our patterns to form and break, allow our emotions to hold a negative charge or balance into a positive experience, and allow our body to be in a state of health or dis-ease.

Taking this explanation of biophotons one step further, we’re going to look at images of biophotons in a drop of water. In February 2006, using a Somatoscope, which is a darkfield microscope with a magnification of 30,000x, researchers were able to observe the inside structure of biophotons for the very first time. What was discovered when focusing on a single biophoton was that in the center of this spark of light a six-pointed star was contained within a hexagonal geometric shape, as is seen appearing in photo 4. By photo 6 you can see a Merkaba form in the middle with a hexagon around the edge and by photo 9 you can see the Flower of Life form. What is interesting is that the icosahedron, which many believe to be the shape of source energy, has the shape of a hexagon when viewed from a particular angle. If you connect Sacred Geometry with healing, you may come to the conclusion that at the center of the flower of life is our consciousness, the consciousness directs the photons, the photons direct our patterns and positive or negative state of being, which means – we completely control our own state of being. We are not a victim to anyone or anything, we hold all the cards and only we can heal ourselves.

Read the full article on the science behind how hands-on energy healing methods such as Reiki work - 

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